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Year 6

Year 6 have been creating and writing about a spy gadget. Below are descriptions and illustrations of the gadget they have come up with from Lightning class.

Lightning class wrote poems this week adding detail and abstract nouns. They made their poems visually interesting by adding illustrations. Please read and enjoy!



In year 6 we have been studying The Piano, below are some examples of the children's work

Hi Year Six smiley


I have uploaded your work for the week. I have linked this as closely as possible to what is being taught at school this week, it is only the afternoon activities that are different. A few changes to what you are used to seeing are explained below:


- On each day, I have uploaded something called a well being journal. We will have these to hand every day at school, to fill in at any time, but particularly when we might need a moment to reflect. If you want to do the same, that's great. Feel free to keep it private, share it with a family member or share it with me. 

- With the links for your maths videos, you will also find a document that has arithmetic and reasoning questions on for each day. We are using these at school as well. You won't find any arithmetic questions on the daily tasks sheet.

- With the links to maths videos, you have a spelling timetable this week, which again, the children in school will be using. You will find the activity you need uploaded on each day (there isn't anything to give you on Thursday). Don't worry if you don't have a printer, just do the activities on a piece of paper.


Even though I will be teaching this week, I am still contactable through the homework email address, it might just take me a little longer to get back to you. I will aim to check the account at least once daily still.


Take care all of you and remember to keep safe,

Miss Jones

Hello Year 6!


Below you will find all of your home learning for the week. I am really looking forward to having some of you back in school next week, even though it will be quite different! Look out for an email from Mrs Mower and Mrs Bachour later on in the week for more details. For those of you who won't be joining us next week, you will find your home learning here, just like you have been for the last 7 weeks of school. You will also still be able to contact me through email if you need to ask any questions. 


I hope you are all keeping well and still staying safe. As usual, email me with any problems of queries at


Miss Jones smiley

Good morning smiley


I have uploaded all of your work for the week. As usual, if you have any questions or would like to share anything with me then please do send an email to with my name or Year 6 in the subject line. I know you probably think I sound like a broken record but please do keep active and get as much fresh air as possible, the weather looks to be lovely again!


I hope you are all well and are keeping safe. 

Miss Jones

Hello Year 6,


It was SO lovely to speak to so many of you last week. It's good to hear that all of you are managing to get some work done and also that you’re keeping safe and active - keep this up. I am also glad that lots of you are communicating through FaceTime, messages and games as it is great to keep in contact, even when you can't meet up with one another. If I didn’t get the chance to speak to you or one of your parents, please email with a good time to call you so we can have a quick chat.


If we were at school this week, you would have been completing your SATs! In the morning you would be doing the papers provided from the government and afternoons would be filled with a little bit of revision and some sport or art. With that in mind, I have set your work a little differently this week. Below you will find a suggested time table for each day and any documents needed are attached and labelled with the day.


If you have any problems with the work, please email the homework email address with my name in the subject line and I’ll get back to you. If you do anything this week you would like to share with me, again send an email through.


Take care,

Miss Jones J

I cannot believe we are entering our 7th week of home learning! I really hope you and your families are all keeping safe and well. It has been lovely to speak to some of you recently, please do continue to email with any work you want to share or any questions you might have.


I am in school again with the children of key workers so here is all of your work for the week. There is no set work for Friday as it is a bank holiday but I have uploaded some nice VE Day activities if you would like to keep busy!


Take care Year 6,

Miss Jones

Thursday 7th May Home Learning
Wednesday 6th May Home Learning
Tuesday 5th May Home Learning
Monday 4th May Home Learning

Hi Year 6


Two things I have mentioned before but still very important…

  1. Make sure you are reading something for pleasure daily. I have read some more children’s books recently so I can give you some suggestions if you would like.
  2. Continue exercising every single day; it is vital for good physical and mental health and I promise it’ll make you feel more positive.


Below you will find your home learning, I will keep updating this and it will follow the same format as I have been using – day of the week followed by all of the documents you will need for that day. I ask that you really try your hardest and do the majority of the work independently – your parents, I am sure, are busy and I know you are capable! As usual I have tried not to set tasks that are too tricky but if it all gets a little too much, you can log into Classroom Secrets Kids or check out and play some curriculum related games. Please remember that if you don’t get all of this work done, it is okay. If you or your parents would like to ask me any questions, please email, putting Year 6 or Miss Jones in the subject line, and I will get back to you.


I am at school again this week with the children whose parents are key workers which I am really looking forward to. I hope you are managing to have some fun at home!


Remember to stay positive, get outside for fresh air and to do something daily that makes you happy J

Miss Jones.


Friday 1st May Home Learning
Thursday 30th April Home Learning
Wednesday 29th April Home Learning
Tuesday 28th April Home Learning
Monday 27th April Home Learning

Hello Year 6  laugh

I hope you all had a relaxing break and enjoyed the few days of sunshine we had over the Easter weekend. Below you will find work for the whole week. It follows the same format as last half term; you will see the heading with the date followed with everything you will need for that day. The days do run in order so you will need to scroll down to see the work for the beginning of the week. As always, do try and get outside for a walk every day and continue to do some exercise. I have been persevering with Joe Wicks and I am starting to find it slightly easier! If the Joe Wicks workouts aren't for you, why not try some pilates or yoga? There are lots of videos on youtube! Or, if you are lucky enough to have a garden, play a game outside with a sibling.

If you are unsure on anything and in need of some guidance whilst working, please contact the school office by email as this will make its way to me and I will try my hardest to help. 

Take care of yourselves and stay smiling,

Miss Jones smiley

Friday 24th April Home Learning
Thursday 23rd April Home Learning
Wednesday 22nd April Home Learning
Tuesday 21st April Home Learning
Monday 20th April Home Learning
Friday 3rd April Home Learning
Thursday 2nd April Home Learning
Wednesday 1st April Home Learning
Tuesday 31st March Home Learning
Monday 30th March Home Learning
Friday 27th March Home Learning
Thursday 26th March Home Learning
Wednesday 25th March Home Learning
Tuesday 24th March Home Learning
Monday 23rd March Home Learning

Reach for the stars!

Christmas Crafts

We have had great fun the last few days of term creating stockings and calendars for 2020!
Thank you to Camelot Rugby Club for inviting us to the Year 6 tag rugby event. It was brilliant to see all the children so excited about sport!

What a fantastic week at PGL!

Here are a few pictures from our time away. We enjoyed telling you all about it during our recent Class Assembly; our time at Marchants Hill was GREAT!

How many of these brilliant books will you read before you leave Year 6?

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