Spring Term
Year 5 Spring curriculum
Our topic this term is geography.
We will be studying maps; investigating lines of latitude and longitude, scales and grid references and compass points.
Oceans of the world - locating the 5 oceans and focusing on ocean currents, gyres and garbage patches.
In addition we will be looking at the 10 biomes and 6 main climate zones across the earth. Our specific biome focus will be on rainforests and deciduous forests and taiga.
In addition to this topic, we will also explore different subject areas. If you would like to know more about the depth of our learning, please see the curriculum pages on this website. A summary of our topics can be viewed below:
Helping at Home
With each subject, there may be things that you can do at home to support your child's learning. Please see the ideas below.
In maths, keep doing TT rockstars. https://ttrockstars.com Times tables are key to all aspects of maths and the more they do, the more points they get to change the avatars! Ask them to explain what they are doing in maths. If they can tell you, it embeds the learning and shows understanding.
In English, a really important part to help your child at home is to read.
We ask that your child reads every day and records it in their reading records. Reading is the base for all learning across the school so make this a priority. Children learn best by example, reading to them will show them that you value reading and even adults like being read to!
Talk about your day, talk about what you are doing, describe things with your children. Get your children to think of different ways to say how they are doing something eg, walking - slowly, quickly, aggressively, slovenly, distractedly, sloppily, sadly etc. When they use a word, can they think of another synonym that is more powerful? Ask them what words mean and if they don't know, use a dictionary or google to find out.
Ask them about expanded noun phrases, get them to use descriptive sentences about things eg, if out for a walk, how would you describe what you can see?
In science, we shall be learning about properties and changes of materials; solids, liquids and gases. Comparing and grouping materials, exploring reversible and irreversible changes. Evaporating, filtering, sieving, melting, dissolving, burning as well as chemical changes.
In geography, what do you know about rainforests/taiga/deciduous forests? Do you know the 5 oceans? Can you locate them on a map? Do you know what lines of latitude and longitude are used for?
In computing, learning to select a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs to present data and information. Use software to create own sounds by recording, editing and playing.