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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

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Governor Committees


Our Governors work within a number of committees to support different areas of the school.  These committees meet regularly to discuss key issues and to provide support and challenge in developing the school further.  The committees are:



Key Roles


SL (Chair), JT, AM, LS

This committee agrees and monitors the school's admissions policies.  It meets to ensure that the policies are appropriate and carried out effectively.


JL (Chair), JT, KG, JI, SL, AM

This committee ensures focus is placed on all school resources, including carrying out key health and safety functions relating to the school site and its staff and pupils.  It also agrees and monitors the school's budget in addition to key capital works within the school as well as considering staffing structures, pay and ensuring the the safeguarding of staff is effective within the school.

School Improvement

EI (Chair), SL, AM, AJ, AB, TR

This committee monitors and supports the intent, implementation and impact of the curriculum across the school; focusing on the School Development Plan for curriculum and ensuring that the school delivers an effective offer to all pupils, including those in different groups.

Associate Governors sitting on committees do not have voting rights.

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