Pupil Premium Spending
The Nash Mills Pupil Premium Pledge and Strategy
At Nash Mills CofE Primary School, we strongly believe that every child should be provided with the support and guidance that they need to be the best that they can be. Our School Vision, based around the story of The Good Samaritan means we prioritise support for all; in relation to Pupil Premium pupils, this means we will work to ensure they can achieve their potential regardless of any barriers they have. We draw on research evidence, such as the Education Endowment Foundation’s teaching and learning toolkit, and evidence from our own experience to allocate funding to interventions that are most likely to maximise achievement.
The support that we provide to pupils is based on an equity model, where we accept that some children may need a highly personalised offer in order to fulfil their potential.
As a generalisation, we recognise that pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) may have specific barriers which hinder their progress and mean that they are at risk of not achieving as highly as their peers. We know that not all of the following will pertain to every Pupil Premium funded child, however, below we have listed a range of interventions that will be provided over the following year:
In Class Learning
- Questioning and interaction: Staff will ensure that Pupil Premium funded (PPf) pupils feel successful in their learning by regularly providing them with the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions or to present work regardless of ability. Where needed, PPf pupils will receive pre-teaching in order to help them with this.
- Checking understanding: Staff will always check PPf pupils’ understanding during maths and English lessons.
- Every lesson as a priority, staff will check that PPf pupils have written the date and heading/learning objective in their books so that they are always ready to start learning promptly.
- Marking and Feedback: Where only a sample of exercise books are to be marked following a lesson, PPf pupils will be prioritised.
- Assessment: Where only a sample of pupils are to be assessed following a taught sequence, this will always include all PPf Pupils within the class.
- Seating: PPf pupils will be seated in class in a position that facilitates continuous monitoring by the teaching staff.
Wider Learning
- PPf pupils will be specifically considered for additional support and intervention where needed. A high level of additional teaching assistant support will be provided to ensure that this is able to happen.
- Music: PPf pupils will be encouraged to take up learning to play a musical instrument to broaden the opportunities available to them and to recognise talent. Where offered through the school, an instrument will be provided to them for this, as will be financial support for tuition.
- Uniform: PPf pupils will be supported in obtaining the correct school uniform so that they are able to feel that they are equal to their peers. All PPf Pupils will be provided with a £20 uniform voucher at the start of the school year.
- Clubs: PPf pupils will be given priority to certain clubs and extracurricular activities. Research shows that full participation in school life supports better engagement and progress.
- Trips, workshops and enrichment activities: The school will always check that pupils have taken up places and are supported where necessary so that there is wide access to cultural-capital enriching and wider curriculum opportunities.
Home Learning
- So that we can ensure access to online platforms, all PPf pupils in Key Stage 2 will be provided with a Chromebook which will be loaned to them.
- Stationary: The school will provide every child with a home learning stationary pack which will be replenished termly to ensure that all have sufficient resources at home.
- Parent support: We will expect the parents of all PPf pupils to engage with Parent Consultations and will prioritise the chasing of these parents where needed.
- Parent Learning: We will prioritise support for PPf parents to attend Parent Learning Sessions offered through the school. The Inclusion Coordinator will send regular emails to parents informing them of any specific training offered through local partners, such as the Family Support Service.
In addition to this, every child registered for Pupil Premium is also eligible for free school meals as well as other benefits.
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introduced in April 2011 and provides funding for raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential. The Pupil Premium Grant is additional to the main school funding and it will be used by this school to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible by ensuring that funding reaches the students who need it most.
COVID Catch and Recovery Strategy
Due to the Coronavirus situation, the government has also made available funding to schools to support pupils who were affected educationally by the lockdown. For this, we have produced the following strategy to ensure that pupils whose development and learning was significantly impacted have the right support to enable them to catch up.