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Year 2's Summer Term Curriculum



This term Year 2 will be doing a mixture of History and Geography. Our main focus will be The Great Fire of London; alongside this our geography will be a study of London. 

Our science topic will be plants for the whole term. 



In our topic we will look at how the fire started and how it spread so quickly through London. We will look at the effect it had on new buildings and the fire brigade. (Hopefully a visit from a fire engine too!) We will also look a little bit into the plague and how this infection was spread; this links to our recount genre in English based on a text about a flea living in London during the great fire. 


You could always visit some of the significant places in London and see Pudding Lane and the monument to help support learning at home. 


This unit reinforces skills taught throughout the year and links them together. Children are given the opportunity to use their skills in a new context and apply them within software they are familiar with in order to complete a final project.

If children have access to laptops or PCs at home let your child have a go at typing and publishing some work. They could write a story and practice saving this in their own folder.



In science we are focusing on plants and what helps them to grow. We will learn about the process plants go through from seed/bulb to fully grown plant. We will hopefully grow some plants to see this in action and the children will have an opportunity to get outside to do some gardening in our green retreat area. 


                                                         To help at home you could plant a sunflower seed or bean and watch this grow. It would be lovely to see how tall they can get!











In RE we will be thinking about what Christians really believe God is like and then looking at the pilgrimage Muslims take called Hajj.



In maths we will focus on multiplication and division, as well as fractions of shapes and then number.

Visit this site for LOTS of useful maths activities!

Please ensure you learn 2,5,10 times tables and more if you can!




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