PE at Nash Mills
Led by Mrs Lewis
As a school, we are committed to delivering a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible to all, which will develop every child’s ability and skills. In each year throughout their time at Nash Mills, children will be provided with a range of activities that will help them to develop their health, fitness and wellbeing. Specialist Sports coaches are used in a various year groups to provide the children with the best possible teaching.
We will provide opportunities to compete in sport and activities, within school and between schools, which embed the values of fairness, respect and team work. We will provide children with the skills to lead healthy, active lifestyles.
There will be a number of key themes taught each year. These are as follows
- hitting and striking,
- throwing and catching,
- travelling with a ball,
- passing and possession
- using space appropriately within a game
- attacking and defending
- rules and tactics
- competing and/or performing
These will be revisited and built upon year after year in order to practise and build upon skills.
Sequencing of Content Skills are taught through a range of different sports, using specialist sports coaches and a syllabus that has been implemented throughout the school. These skills are developed and built upon each year with challenge being extended as children progress throughout the school. | Inclusion For children who find it difficult to participate and succeed in physical activities, the S.T.E.P approach will be adopted. SPACE – where needed, the child can move closer or further away from a target or the surface on which they complete it can be changed. TASK – the task can be made simpler or adapted to suit challenges the child is facing. This might look like the child being sat for an activity, running on the spot rather than in a space, set challenges to beat their own score rather than competing against others. EQUIPMENT – change the size of the equipment available when playing a game, for example a bigger ball may be needed for kicking, or using a tennis racket instead of a rounder’s bat. PEOPLE – children can be supported by an adult or by work alongside a peer. |
How we add richness through discussion and cultural capital We will give each class the opportunity to complete in competitions, both inter- and intra-school. Children will be exposed to and have the opportunities to discuss influential people in sports related to the unit they are focusing on within lessons. | How this subject supports our Christian vision The PE curriculum encourages children to be kind, patient and supportive of one another. When competing, the children are encouraged to treat their opposition with respect, even if they feel as though they have been wronged. |