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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

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September 2020 - Coming Back to School

Coming Back to School Feedback

We asked you  how your child felt about being back in school, 98% of you provided positive feedback, with an overall score of 4.8 out of 5 (see the chart on the left).  Where there were concerns, we have been in contact with named individuals to provide support. 

Most of you also felt that arrangements in the morning and at the end of the day were working well, although there were also some concerns shared. 

· You may have seen that the timing of the traffic lights outside of school has now changed.  Not only does this mean that we have fewer people waiting to cross at any one time, it also means that the traffic is moving more slowly as there is more waiting.  This helps to improve the safety of pedestrians. 

· A few parents noted that there is still some congestion on the pavement at the front of the school.  Please could we ask that, wherever possible, you do not wait directly outside the school to help with this. 

· Some parents noted the increased staffing outside at the start and end of each day.  It has been nice to see more of you each morning!

We have started to consider things that we could do to further improve the start and end of the day, for example by changing some of our timings or opening the top gate, however each change comes with different challenges.  We will continue to review this, with a hope that soon we may be able to help make things easier for you, whilst keeping everyone safe.

Feedback around homework and home-school communication was more mixed and we are aware that the new processes for this are still developing.  We shall be writing to you next week to clarify homework and to make our new approach more consistent across the school, hopefully meaning that there will be less printing needed.  In Key Stage 2, we will shortly be introducing Google Classrooms, which will help the children to access learning from home.  Over the coming weeks, we shall also be upgrading our school phone line and messaging service to improve communication.  We hope that this will help!


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