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Year 3's Spring Term Curriculum


Our main topic this term will focus on

Mountains and Volcanoes



During our topic work, the children will be learning about where and how mountains are formed, before researching the impact of volcanic impact eruptions and earthquakes on the environment. 


Cross curricular  areas linked  to this topic are as follows:

Science-  Linking their knowledge of rock formation from the Autumn term to how mountains are formed.





Spring Curriculum Overview

Helping at Home

There are various ways you can support your child with their learning at home. Please see some suggested ideas below for each subject:


In maths, we encourage that you focus more the recall of times tables. Quick recall of the required 3, 4 and 8 (as well as the 2, 5, and 10 times-tables they’ve already learned in Year 1 and 2) is important as they form the foundation for a large majority of the work the children will cover within the year. 4 x table song   8x Table Trick


In English, your child will continue to work on the spelling patterns they have begun in previous years, with more emphasis on understanding and learning the spelling rules, as well as attention to prefixes and suffixes. Please continue to help your child practise the 3 and 4 statutory spelling lists that was sent home at the beginning of the Autumn term.


We encourage you to hear your child read daily. Reading to your child is still important at this age too. 

Listening to your intonation will help your child with their own expression, and also enhances their writing.

A fun way to encourage expression is to change your volume, or project a particular emotion in your voice such as:

  • sad person
  • fast / slow talker
  • whisperer
  • cowboy
  • princess
  • monster
  • robot

Ask your child to read in a silly voice too.

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