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Summer Term

Summer Term Year 5


This term the topic covers both geography and history.  We will be focussing on the Victorians and in particular the work of local stationer John Dickinson.  We will be looking at trade and links both locally and around the world to understand how raw materials get to and from the UK as well as creating maps to use for a local walking route.


For more information on the other curriculum areas, please see the attachment below.

Helping at Home


With each subject, there are things that you can do at home to support your child's learning.  Please see the ideas below. 


In maths, keep doing TT rockstars.  We have a Times tables test each week and use them every day for more than just maths!  Ask your child to explain what they are doing in maths. If they can explain a concept to you, it embeds the learning and shows understanding.  We spend a lot of time explaining questions rather than just answering, so they need to know why, as well as how, a concept works.


In English it is really important to read and share books.  Ask the children about the book they are reading; characters, feelings, what the author is inferring from the text, vocabulary meaning.  

Discuss anything and everything in detail.  Using expression, adventurous vocabulary and adjectives to describe things.  This will all help in the writing and encourage confidence.


In science, we shall be learning about animals including humans, focusing on the changes we go through from infancy to old age.  Have you still got the red baby books, where their infant progress was recorded? We will be talking about these in our science lessons, looking at graphs and data.


In computing we will be learning to use search engines safely, using software to design and plan as well as learning about being safe online; recognising spam and ensuring we keep personal information secure.

Google Map

Link to Google Maps