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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

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And here we are Lord, world turning, and yet so much pain for so many.

In these days which are tough and challenging on so many levels I wonder.

We have time don't we? (Some of us do).

And maybe with willing hearts we can take a little time out to pray for our town.

For the people who are lonely.

For the sad and the grieving.

For our ambulance services and health care professionals.

For our hospitals and Drs, and carers. Who are so weary and under so much pressure.

For our vaccination programme.

We are sick Lord, sick and tired.

For all those who are trying so hard to do good.

Food banks. And Volunteer services.

For all those in our communities.


And yet there is more.

There is the soul needs.

Churches shut.

Sometimes Zoom meetings.

We yearn for comfort and hugs and connection but for now that is not possible.


Our nation needs your prayers my prayers.

And although it is not a Pray Hemel weekend, it seems wrong to wait.

For the need is now.

Please take some time out to pray daily for our nation and our town.

It is a crisis. And the church historically rises to such crisis. 

We are the church.

Show us Lord what you want us to do. And for now Let us cry out to God for mercy, and healing, and compassion for each other and for those in need.


Psalm 18.

19 He brought me out into a spacious place;
    he rescued me because he delighted in me.


Be at peace friends, try not to be anxious, and not to worry. These are dark days but the light comes in the morning.

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