Year 1's Spring Term Curriculum
Our main topic this term will focus on
This term, we will be studying Geography.
This topic will focus on locating the countries within the UK and their capital cities. We will look at the flags for each country too.
Once we have looked at the UK we will explore and locate the continents and oceans.
The children will observe some maps and learn basic maps skills such as using the compass points.
Finally they will become meteorologists and learn about different types of weather and the symbols.
Helping at Home
With each subject, there may be things that you can do at home to support your child's learning. Please see the ideas below, which are optional extras. We would love to see what you have been up to!
In maths, you could access different games and activities to support fluency; the faster your child can remember key ideas, the easier it will be to access much of the work we do in class. Click here for some suggestions! Don't forget to use Numbots regularly too.
In science, we shall be learning about plants. You could explore the outside and look at the different plants and tress you see. What parts of the plants and tress do the children know?
In Geography, it would be useful to discuss the United Kingdom and the countries within it. Talk about directions such as compass points.
In computing, we shall spend some time learning about being safe online. Please see this website for ideas on things you could talk to your child about at home. We will also be programming Beebots and scratch, for these it would be useful to know directional and prepositional language.
In English, a really important part to help your child at home is to read.
We ask that you read every day with your child and record it in their reading records. Reading is the base for all learning across the school so make this a priority for your family.
Always go over the phonics sounds before reading as this will help your child to remember them before they go to read the story.
Talk! Talk about your day, talk about what you are doing, describe things with your children. Get your children to think of different ways to say a word. For example - big- huge, giant, large, enormous etc.
Let your child read instructions when cooking, or let them make the shopping the shopping list.
Finally, to support your child with writing, encourage your child to say their sentence first. When saying their sentence, encourage them to pronounce words correctly. This will support accurate spelling and to choose the correct sounds.