Our RE Curriculum
Led by Mr Maher
But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was,
and when he saw him, he had compassion.
Our Curriculum Intent
In reflecting our whole school vision, RE in our school will be taught in a way that enables pupils to gain understanding of their own feelings and values as well those of others. In understanding how other people live, our children will be better able to show compassion, empathy and love as part of a wider community.
All of our learners will have:
- An outstanding level of religious understanding and knowledge across a range of religions.
- A thorough engagement with a range of ultimate questions about the meaning and significance of existence.
- The ability to ask significant and highly reflective questions about religion and demonstrate an excellent understanding of issues related to the nature, truth and value of religion.
- A strong understanding of how the beliefs, values, practices and ways of life within any religion cohere together.
- The ability to link the study of religion and belief to personal reflections on meaning and purpose.
- The opportunity to participate in a range of school visits and exposure to visitors that allow them to see and hear interesting and differing views.
Our Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum is designed using several key resources:
- The Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus for RE 2023-2027, which provides an outline of the main concepts which pupils should learn and the expected outcomes for this. Each topic taught to pupils focuses on different concepts, with coverage provided across the curriculum.
- The Church of England’s Understanding Christianity resource provides the planning and key learning activities for most of the Christianity-based topics within the curriculum.
- The Emmanuel and Discovery RE resources provide the planning and key learning activities for all other topics.
Each year, at least 50% of the curriculum is Christianity-based. Other religions are studied as pupils move through the school; these religions represent all main faiths of pupils attending the school as of December 2020.
Each topic will last for around 6 lessons, depending on the length of the term. Within these six weeks, the learning will happen in a number of stages, which are planned for in both the Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE schemes.
- Stage 1 – Engagement/Personal Reflection
- Stage 2 – Investigation/Making Sense
- Stage 3 – Evaluation/Understanding the Impact
- Stage 4 – Expression/Making Connections
Each class has an Owl toy, which is used throughout the teaching of RE to help some of our children think about others; they are a way of asking pupils questions which involve reflection of key concepts. However the owl can also be used by pupils to ask questions that they have.
Sequencing of Content Concepts taught through the context of a range of religions with a main focus on Christianity using the Hertfordshire agreed syllabus for RE. These are sequenced using the adopted resources from Discovery RE and the Understanding Christianity resource. Religions and concepts repeated and built on as children progress through the school. Links made to prior learning before extending further. | Inclusion For pupils who find it difficult to understand the views of others, for things that are more conceptual, learning will be delivered in a number of ways to meet their individual need. Pre-teaching and exploring of some concepts may also be used for some pupils where it will help them to better access content during an upcoming lesson. The curriculum is planned and sequenced to ensure that concepts are not delivered until appropriate to the needs of pupils in that age group. |
How we add richness through discussion and cultural capital Each topic is focused on enquiry and offers pupils the chance to discuss and challenge each other on key ideas.
Close links to our local church and support from the vicar. We offer visits to places of worship and/or guest speakers from different world religions so that children can explore religions with greater depth. Religious artefacts and symbols used to deepen understanding of different religions. | How this subject supports our Christian vision The RE curriculum is focused on providing all pupils with excellent knowledge of the Christian faith and other key world religions, being able to use this knowledge to show wisdom and consideration towards others. In each topic, pupils will have the opportunity to think of others, sharing views and ideas whilst being able to disagree well. |
Our Curriculum Impact
‘How well have pupils developed the essential characteristics of a spiritual learner?
The outcome from the final two stages in learning will allow pupils and staff to assess their progress in line with the key concepts from the Hertfordshire Agreed syllabus. Assessments are collated and progress is measured and tracked over time. This also supports teachers in identifying areas of strength and areas that may need additional support during the next teaching episode.
We aim for the highest possible standards and over time, we would hope that standards in RE would be in-line with or even better than outcomes in Core subjects.