Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum
Our school was founded by the paper industrialist John Dickinson in 1847 for the provision of education for local families and recognising every child, family, member of staff and governor as part of our extended family has continued since.
Our curriculum will encourage questioning, the exploration of ideas and navigation of challenges to help prepare our children for the future. This is structured into a model with a progression of skills starting with the children’s own experiences and developing to wider national and global aspects, with the creativity that encourages self-expression and the development of their talents.
Throughout our curriculum we run Golden Threads; values which underpin everything we do:
- Wisdom and Knowledge
- Hope and Aspiration
- Dignity, Forgiveness and Respect
- Community and Family
Woven throughout these are skills that we see as key for our learners to be confident in. These form our Silver Threads:
- Spirituality
- Communication
- Cultural Capital
At Nash Mills CofE Primary School, we are committed to high quality teaching which raises the standards of learning and resulting achievement for all children. Through clear expectations and common working practices, we can ensure that our curriculum is delivered in the way that we intend for each subject. The curriculum content taught at Nash Mills is sequential and builds on prior learning. We incorporate opportunities for both skills and knowledge based learning to happen, which allows our children to gradually develop a deeper understanding of the skills and processes with all subjects.
Our curriculum is designed using initial building blocks from the National Curriculum which are supplemented with our school's vision and intent document. This enables us to create or adopt different curriculum approaches in each subject which mean that what we offer each child is relevant, targeted and carefully planned to meet emerging needs. The curriculum is driven by our Golden and Silver threads.
The impact of our curriculum is the measure of how well our intent has been realised. It is demonstrated through:
- The success of our learners
- The confidence of our children at being able to demonstrate the knowledge that they have retained over time
- Judgements which are based upon a triangulation of different monitoring and evaluation activities within school, such as: book looks, pupil voices, assessment and the quality of the teaching and learning.
- Outcomes for all groups of pupils within the school
- The learning attitudes, engagement and motivation shown by the children
- Ongoing AFL that addresses misconceptions and gaps in learning and inform planning to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the pupils needs
- High level of engagement in home learning
- Positive parental feedback
We aim for all our children to leave Nash Mills equipped with the core skills that our school’s vision and ethos is built upon and with a thirst for life and all it has to offer.
If you require further information on the curriculum we teach, please contact the School Office.