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Year 2's Spring Term Curriculum


Year 2's main topic will be based on:

The UK and the rest of the world!


This term our main focus will be our studies through geography . We will be focusing on the UK at first then moving on to understanding continents and oceans, learning their names and looking at where they are on a world map. We will spend time looking at the features of natural wonder in the UK and manmade features; making sure we know the difference. We will make some comparisons between our home town of Hemel Hempstead and a remote Scottish island.

Throughout our learning Year 2 will develop their map reading skills and their understanding of and use of an atlas. 




In addition to this topic, we will also explore different subject areas.  If you would like to know more about the depth of our learning, please see the curriculum pages on this website.  A summary of our topics can be viewed below:

Helping at Home


With each subject, there may be things that you can do at home to support your child's learning.  Please see the ideas below, which are optional extras.  We would love to see what you have been up to!


In maths, we have spent lots of time working on place value and using tens frame over the Autumn term use this website to practice some of these activities to make sure your child stays fluent with these maths skills. 


In science, we shall be learning about materials and their properties. We will do some sorting activities and linking our learning from geography about manmade and natural materials. We will also experiment with how useful different materials are for an agreed purpose. 



In computing, the children will learn how to do some simple coding through Logo and scratch software. Have to look at these short clips which will help with some of the vocabulary used.


In English, again, I cannot express how important it is to read to your child every day. Make this a priority and set aside a 5-10 minute slot to read a really good book. 

Make sure you hear your child read as well as often as possible and record this in their reading record. It would be good if you could your child could start giving you a brief summary of what they have read and make predictions about what might happen next.


Storynory - Audio Stories for Kids has some lovely story to listen to.

Google Map

Link to Google Maps