This term, our topic of World War 2 will cover both history and geography. To begin, we will focus on the declaration of war and the countries involved. We will then look in depth at the lives of evacuees and the impact of this in our local area before considering the role of women in war, researching bomb shelters and comparing rationed food to what we eat today.
For more information on the other curriculum areas, please see the attachment below.
Continue to encourage your child to write at any opportunity. It is important that they read their work to check it for errors and make improvements with vocabulary and punctuation where necessary. We consider each piece of writing a draft that can be edited and made even better. Below you will find the statements that outline the standard for Year 6 writing that we refer to during the writing process.
Please remember it is still important to listen to your child read. When reading, ask them about new vocabulary they have encountered and what they think it means. Discuss different contexts in which this word can be used to ensure they have a good understanding of it then challenge them to use it in their own writing.
As we will be doing lots of consolidation, particularly in the first half term, the children will complete some practice papers for SATs. Please spend some time going through these with your child. It is important that they can spot their errors and explain to you how they answered a question. There will of course we aspects that they find trickier, BBC Bitesize is a great website to visit for clear and concise information.
As we will be learning about living things and their habits as well as evolution, encourage your child to do some of their own, self-led learning. This could be researching Darwin and his theory of evolution or unusual animals and where they live. They could even just watch a David Attenborough documentary! When they begin their secondary school, they will be encouraged to keep note of key vocabulary and the meanings so it may be beneficial for your child to begin doing this now after each lesson.
The children will draw upon their ICT skills to complete a project this term. Encourage them to continue using google classroom as well as keeping familiar with basic programs used regularly, such as word and excel, as they will need to continue to use these throughout secondary school.