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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

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Our Learning Environments

The Learning Environment

We recognise that that much of the learning process will be completed through children independently interacting with their environments and, as such, it is imperative that there is sufficient provocation.  As such, both learning environments will contain:

  • a writing area containing various writing implements and papers as well as envelopes and examples of good writing.
  • a book corner containing a range of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and class-made books.
  • a maths resource area which allows children to select appropriate items to help them solve practical problems.
  • a creative area containing resources for a range of art, design, music and technology activities.
  • a construction area containing resources for developing fine motor skills, social interaction and problem solving.
  • a small world area which allows children to extend fine motor skills, engage in imaginative play and develop language.
  • a role play area which can be developed along themed line to cover several aspects of learning in “real life” scenarios.


The outdoor area is seen as an extension of the classroom and the above opportunities will be available outside as well as inside.  In addition, there will be an area for sand, malleable materials (e.g. play dough) and water play, where children can engage in practical investigations.


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