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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

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Hiring Rooms

Hiring our school spaces


Our school is regularly used during evenings, weekends and holiday times for a range of purposes.  Being on the main road, it is easy to find and has a number of different versatile spaces, ideal for a range of events.  

Current users include:

  • Evening sports and fitness bookings
  • Weekend day hirings of the hall, for example for Track Play (
  • Holiday lettings of the dining room and field for football camps
  • Weekend use of the field by our local children's football team

Unfortunately, due to the nature of organisation and the time taken for set up and clearing up, we do not currently let our school hall for birthday parties. 


Hire Charges (not After-School Clubs)


Hall Bookings


Dining Room



Minimum 2 hours



Minimum 2 hours



Minimum 2 hours


Additional hour

£20 per hour


Additional hour

£15 per hour


Additional hour

£15 per hour


Hire Charges (After-School Clubs)


Hall Bookings


Dining Room



Plus use of Dining Room for lunch

£15 per hour


£15 per hour


£100 per day


Please see our Hiring Policy below, which includes further information.  If you would like more information, or to make a booking, please contact our school office:


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Link to Google Maps