How our vision enables pupils to flourish
How does our theologically rooted Christian vision enable people to flourish?
At Nash Mills, our vision is for each of our children to grow up with the firm belief that they are an important part of the local community; individuals who seek to be part of that community through action, empathy and understanding. The parable of The Good Samaritan provides a basis for this discussion; how we can all seek to support those in need, having the strength and conviction to act and not to pass by when we are needed. Our initial trust and vision was to provide an education to the local children of workers of the local mills in 1847. We continue to focus on the local community and this is reflected within our work within the locality, admissions criteria and choices of supporting local charities and causes to name a few examples.
Our vision is shared with pupils regularly throughout their time at the school. It is a common thread through which our Ubuntu values are explored in worship, it forms a focus for each area of the curriculum and is a key driver in the way in which we interact with each other.
Through the ubuntu value framework, we enable pupils to explore their own ideas and feelings with regard to The Good Samaritan. Each value from the parable is explored at different times within worship and has become a deeper conversation across our school. This helps pupils to live it and to better understand it.
Within our vision, there is also the recognition that each of our pupils should have the opportunity to develop spirituality. To help with this, we have worked with local schools to create a shared agreement of what this might look like, using ideas from various research documents. Our agreement can be seen below:
We support our pupils to have the skills to be supportive to those around them through the offer of training, support and the provision of responsibility as they move through the school. This starts with having roles and responsibilities within classes, and extends to more formal training for our older pupils, including Playground Leaders, Reflections Councillors and Peer Mediators. All of these focus on helping and supporting each other as part of our community.
We are involved within the local community; regularly visiting and engaging with St Mary's Church events and supporting the local Care Home. We begin exposing our pupils to the community through local walks and trips, which start from the first few weeks of Nursery and Reception.
What is the impact of this work?
Much of the impact of our work is in developing each individual child to be caring, compassionate and kind.
Within our last parent survey, there were a number of indicators which show how they feel:
- 100% parents either agreed or strongly agreed that their children were happy at school.
- 100% parents either agreed or strongly agreed that their children felt safe at school.
- 98.5% parents either agreed or strongly agreed that the school helped to develop their child's wider development.
The impact of this work is also seen within school throughout the day; pupils are kind and supportive of each other within learning. It is common to see children helping each other if someone is stuck or unsure of what to do. We do not routinely stream or set pupils within lessons; they sit in mixed ability arrangements which encourages this level of collaboration. We also see children working together, across year groups, at break and lunchtimes.
Our older pupils develop leadership skills and, in the past two years, all of our Year 6 children have achieved the Archbishop of York's Youth Leadership Award as a result.