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Year 4 - Summer Term Curriculum


Our main topic this term will focus on

The Tudors 



This term our history and geography lessons will be closely linked.  As we learn about how the Tudors travelled, we will investigate on maps where they went and consider what their journeys were like - comparing them to our modern day experiences.  We will also find out where the Tudors lived in our local area and consider their food and farming experiences.  Our work will encourage investigation skills and give opportunities to present and communicate information - a key aspect of our school vision.


In addition to this topic, we will be covering all areas of the curriculum.  If you would like to know more about the depth of learning, please see the curriculum pages on this website. A summary of our topics can be viewed below.





Support at home makes a world of difference to every child's progress so here are some ideas you can explore together at home.


In maths, please make every use of Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS).  Find times table songs that you can sing together in the car! In addition, this website has lots of fun games


In spelling, please talk through all the words and help your child to understand how to use them in a sentence.  Can they think of other words from the same word family?  Can they add prefixes and suffixes to the root word?  (Eg We can use the root word 'behave' to help us to spell misbehave / misbehaviour / misbehaving)

Display the word list of statutory spellings for children in Year 3 and 4 in your home.


In English, a vital way to help your child is to encourage a routine of reading, so please make this a priority.  Reading is the base for all learning across the school.  We ask that you discuss with your child what they have read and ask them questions to deepen their understanding.  Asking for a summary of what a character is like or what a chapter was about, is an excellent way to help children develop key reading skills.

Please note down their home reading in their reading record books which should be in school every day.

If you are trying to find new books and authors that your child will enjoy, use The site contains good synopses and reviews as well as extracts to see if you like a book. You need to make a free account.  They have a kidzone with lots of great activities.


Don't forget to keep reading to your child and give them access to high quality audio stories to demonstrate to them that you value reading. (Borrowbox is a free audio book app available to everyone through the local library.)


In Science, make opportunities to explore the great outdoors, noticing different species of animals and trees! Follow this link for some fun home learning ideas.


In RE, why not look through the non-fiction section in Hemel Hempstead library and borrow books about Christain and Buddhist beliefs and practices?  Can you write down some questions you would ask someone of those faiths?


In Computing, take time to go over how to stay safe online and have conversations about the issues the children face using this website as a resource

To encourage confidence in coding, use tutorials from such as Dance Party.

Google Map

Link to Google Maps