Early Years
Welcome to the EYFS at Nash Mills!

Our EYFS consists of our Nursery and Reception classes. At Nash Mills, the aim of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is to provide each child with the best possible start to their school careers, to ensure that they build excellent learning behaviours and develop the skills needed to succeed later in life. Our curriculum is designed with this in mind and follows the EYFS statutory Framework as well as the Development Matters 2021 non-statutory guidance. Where smaller steps of progress are considered, such as in our key ambitions, the Birth to 5 non-statutory guidance has also been used.
Please see below links to each class page and also to an area where you will be able to access further information and guidance about how to best support your child at home. You will also find a link to the curriculum area of our website, which provides our planning for what pupils will be learning through the year.
We asked our Reception pupils what they'd like to be when they grow up...