Ready, steady; go!
Welcome to Nursery - for new joiners

Dear Nursery and Reception Parents and Carers,
We have sent home activities for you to do with your child. Please don’t attempt to do it all at once, this is work to be done on a regular basis, a little bit every day. We are now putting further activities on the class page of the website every week. Please record your child’s activities using Evidence Me, we will be checking in to see all the lovely work that your children are doing.
Home Learning
Some useful websites, videos and links:
Please ensure you are keeping an eye on your children when using apps such as YouTube and ensure you have set restrictions where you can.
- Numberblocks - particularly numbers 1 to 20, addition, subtraction, doubling and halving.
Videos can be found on BBC iPlayer - TopMarks Maths games - please select the EYFS age range. Remember children need to be secure with numbers 0 through to 10.
- Alphablocks - there does not appear to be as many videos on iPlayer for this so you might like to have a look at YouTube for these. - Audible - Audible are allowing free access to children's stories so take a look at their website. Miss Webb thinks that they can be played on Alexa too (I have not tried this yet.)
- Joe Wicks - The Body Coach -YouTube channel
Well done to those of you who have already taken part. Keep it up! It is really important to stay active when we are inside so much. - GoNoodle - I know some of you have already had the pleasure of learning GoNoodle dances at home. These are great for a brain break or a little shake up when the children are feeling a bit lethargic. Give it a go.