At Nash Mills, we expect all pupils to have clean, smart uniform each day. We believe that by having high expectations of how they present themselves, pupils will have high personal expectations of all areas of their lives. There is no requirement for uniform to be 'branded' - you may order directly from our supplier using the link at the top of this page, or purchase unbranded items from the local supermarket.
Our School Uniform consists of:
Summer | Winter |
To include:
| To include:
Shoes - for pupils in Early Years, black school shoes should be worn. Wellies should also be sent into school when the weather is wet! For pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2, there should be two pairs of shoes in school;
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For PE
| For PE
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly named; we do not hold a lost property collection.
There are some variations to this, please see the attached document below.

Please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled with your child's name.
In Nursery, children wear Nash Mills C of E Primary School sweatshirts and joggers or leggings in school colours. This helps them to become part of the school community.
For PE, pupils wear plain navy shorts and a house-coloured polo shirt. No foot wear is required for most indoor PE. For outside games plimsolls or trainers are required. Navy blue tracksuits may be worn in the winter.
Outdoor Wear - Nash Mills C of E School fleeces are optional - for outdoor wear only.
Hair - Shoulder length hair for girls and boys should be tied back. Hair accessories should be plain and in keeping with school colours. No extreme hairstyles or dyed / bleached hair. Make up and nail polish should NOT be worn.
PTA Second Hand Uniform Sales
Our PTA hold regular second hand uniform sales. Please see the school calendar on our website or contact the school office for further information.