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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

'Be the best we can be!'



Monday 13th July 2020

Well - the end of Year 1 is here.

We are in the final week and it is with lots of regret that we finish term without seeing so many of you. 

Today we will be seeing a few of you to say goodbye, but it is under very different circumstances. Usually we would have been celebrating the end of the year with sports day, the governor's obstacle course, a key stage party and many many other fun activities. crying

However, there is till some work to be done, so here it is!


For English, I have given you a worksheet for you to write down all your memories of Year 1. Perhaps you could keep it in a special box for when you get older. I have also given you a PowerPoint with some creative writing ideas - there are lots of pictures with some ideas to write a story. Don't forget the phonics videos and your spelling test if you didn't do it last week! I haven't set any new spellings this week; the most important thing to help with your spellings is to remember to read every day.

For maths, we are looking at halving and quartering with White Rose. Please click on the link and look at week 11.  The worksheets are all below.

For science this week, the school have signed up to a virtual science trip. This is called 'stronger by design'  and discusses materials that keep us safe. Please click on the link in the Word document.

For history, there is another 'Magic Grandad' video for you to watch about cars in the past - with a PowerPoint to follow it up.

In art, we are making piniatas. We started at school last week with a balloon, lots of newspaper and a very messy paste! The children in the classroom have had lots of fun with it. Watch this video link which talks you through the things you will need before you start. We will be smashing our piniatas on Friday! How exciting! laugh

You tube video

I have also made a Wordart picture for you all and urge you to try it for yourselves! Have a look at Friday's activity. 


I will see you all in September, although I will be teaching in the Reception class. I will wave at you through the window or on the playground, so look out for me! 

Have a fantastic summer everyone with lots of playing, fun and laughter.

Mrs Wilson




Friday 17th July - Wordart Picture

Monday 6th July


The end of term is fast approaching! We are missing everyone who are still shielding at home and looking forward to seeing some of you on Monday 13th July for a chat and a chance to say goodbye. broken heart


For this week, English is about bedtime, dreams and scary animals! The first day is a wonderful story called 'Bedtime for Monsters' with some story sequencing to do. Then there is another story called 'Chicken's Bad Dream' and you will write a story about a cat. Don't forget you need to practise spellings for a test at the end of the week and you must watch those phonics videos. We watched 'Hold a sentence' last week to vary it a little bit and there are also videos for red words. Here is the link again.


In maths, we are counting, partitioning and comparing numbers. You will need to look at week 9. Here is the link. 

On Friday, there is a game to play to help you with partitioning numbers. Don't get eaten by that shark!

In science, we are going on a mini-beast hunt. Watch the PowerPoint first, so that you will know where to look for them. I have also given you a few different check lists to see if you can observe some of the different features of each beast you find. Chose whichever one you want - one focuses on where you found it and another on how to classify the mini-beast. Next week, we are building a mini-beast hotel in the garden at school. We will be using an old palette, some bricks, old flower pots, straw and sticks. If you haven't already done one, it might be fun to try!

 In history, we are going to be comparing Victorian with modern homes. Try and think about what has changed. Afterwards, have a go at sorting the old objects vs the new ones. Can you also compare them and pair the objects up old with new?  

In art, there is a challenge to draw a scary animal. Please watch the video, which shows you step by step what to do. 

On Friday, I have given you a 'Covid 19 time capsule' to look at. The idea is that you write all about yourself and tell the story of what you have been doing during this lock-down and then hide your 'time capsule' away. In a few years time, you could open it and look back to see what happened during these strange times! 


I do hope you all have a good week and I'm looking forward to seeing you in a week's time!


Mrs Wilson

Monday 29th June 2020


Oh my Goodness - another Monday is here again! I hope everyone is keeping well. We are missing all you children that are at home and hoping to see before the end of term to say hello. smiley 


I would also like to say a BIG THANK YOU for the amazing video you sent me this week. I loved it. It's the best present  I have ever had and I shall keep it always. heart 


In the meantime, here is this week's work. 


In English, we are looking at letters and reading a book called 'Dear Greenpeace'. I hope you enjoy it - lots of new facts about whales. And don't forget to read every day. There are also your spellings to practice - pens and highlighters will be  focusing on the long vowel sound o.  

In maths, we are sharing in equal groups. Friday's maths will be a practical activity about sharing. Look at the White Rose website for the learning videos - week 8.

In history, we are looking at kitchens - old and new. There are some interactive games to play - can you tell the difference between a Celtic, Victoria and modern day kitchen? 

In science, we are grouping minibeasts into categories - I hope you enjoyed last week's games - these will help you to remember some of the things to spot to help you categorise insects.  Watch this video all about insects and then have a go at grouping them into the different areas.

I thought we could also do some art this week - have a go at making some handprint minibeasts. I have given you some ideas for Thursday.

On Friday, we have a video to watch about places of worship. This week, it is all about the Hindu Mandir - look at the artwork and see if you can create something similar using lots of different shapes and colours.

Have a fab week everyone - dodge those rain showers if you can!

Mrs Wilson



Monday 22nd June 2020


Good morning everyone.

I do hope you all had a good weekend and that you all managed to spend some time  with Dads and Grandads, uncles and cousins etc for Father's Day.

The weather is going to get very hot this week, so I hop you are all ready with your sun cream and paddling pools from Wednesday. wink


Here is the work for this week. 

In English, we are looking at Superhero stories. There are poems and short stories throughout the week for you to enjoy.  There are also your spellings to practise for your test at the end of the week and please keep up those phonics video. We watched a 'red word' phonics video at school last week, which was a good break from the writing and spelling ones. Please do look around this Ruth Miskin site - there are some good resources and also some nice stories to listen to.  And don't forget to read every day! angel

In maths, we are practising our times tables again, looking at counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. Please follow this link and click on the tab for week 7. 

On Friday, we will be recapping position and direction with some activities about Watford football club. I hope you enjoy them.

In history, we are looking at old and new homes and comparing them - can you spot the changes in out houses? Which ones and old and which ones are new - and how do you know?

I have set a lovely PSHE activity this week called 'The garden of greatness'. It focuses on getting the children to think about what thy are good at - is it writing/reading/balancing/counting/being considerate/going to bed/football etc?They will create a flower that shouts about all their positive qualities. Perhaps check this activity early in the week to make sure you have the resources required.

In Science, I have found some super online games to play to do with mini beasts which will help your child focus on the attributes of a mini beast - do they have legs? Do they have wings? Where can we find them?


Have a good week everyone .

Mrs Wilson


Monday 15th June 2020

Good morning to you all at home!


Last week, some of the children came back to school. Life is a bit different at school and we are all being very careful to wash our hands, stay apart from our friends and making sure that, if we cough, we cough into our elbow or into a tissue that then goes into the bin. We miss everyone who is not here and hope you are still doing lots of reading and enjoying the work that is being set. You must make sure you read with an adult every day. It will help you with your writing and spelling.


I will set the work out every day - this week, we have maths, English, handwriting, RE, geography, art & craft (please check early on in the week to see if you need to buy any resources) and some science.


For maths, please go to the White Rose link as usual for the video.

The lessons for this week are under 'Summer Term - Week 6'.


Don't forget your phonics videos at Ruth Miskin You Tube Channel


Stay safe everyone. 

Mrs Wilson


Monday 8th June 2020


Good morning everyone. 

Whilst school begins for many of you once more, there will still be some of you at home. I hope these activities this week will keep you all busy.


For English, each lesson is set out for the day. The Teacher notes on Monday will give you an idea of what to expect for the rest of the week.


For maths, please go to the white Rose link as usual.

The lessons for this week are under 'Summer Term - Week 5'. 


Stay safe everyone. heart

Tuesday 9th June 2020. For History today, please look at the PowerPoint first and then complete the worksheet 'Different Types of Houses and homes'.

Friday 5th June 2020


Morning everybody. smiley


Today is spelling test day! I hope you haven't forgotten! If you are at school next week, our spelling test day will be on a Monday so that you can practise over the weekend.

Today's English is about letter writing. It's based on the books you have been reading this week - can you write a letter? Can you write out an address on an envelope? Try and tell the story of the lion. 

In maths, I would like you to watch a short video and then try some sharing - maybe make a pizza or a cake and share it with your family. How many pieces will you need?

For music this week, please watch the video clip about sound and try and make some interesting sounds with the things you have at home. It looks like lots of fun! Perhaps you could even video it and send it to  any family that you have not been able to see for a while.


For those that will be in school on Monday, make sure you read the letter from Mrs Mower and have all the things you need, like a water bottle.  Please don't bring in any toys from home and remember to have everything you need in a wipe-able pencil case. Think about your lunch choices - you will be picking your vegetables and carbohydrates at registration, as well as which colour dinner you will want. You won't be wearing uniform, so you can choose what you wear to school - it's non-uniform every day!! How exciting! We're going to have lots of fun.


Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Mrs Wilson




Thursday 4th June 2020


Morning everyone!

If you are coming back to school on Monday, you will now know which POD you will be in. I am going to be in the 'Starfish' POD with Mrs Cambridge. If you are in the Turtles POD, you will be with Miss Brewer and Mrs Goddard.

We are all looking forward to seeing you again! smileysmileyheart

If you are not going to be at school next week, don't worry, as I will still be setting work on the website every Monday for the week, so you won't miss out. You will be learning all the same things as the children at school will  be.


Today, however, you will need to watch the phonics video, as well as make sure you are doing some physical exercise first thing. And don't forget to practise your spellings!

For English, we will be looking at the same book as yesterday and comparing it to another book called 'We're going on a Lion Hunt'. You will be asked to act out the story, using actions and retelling the story of the Lion Hunt. Enjoy it - it looks like lots of fun!

In Maths, you will be looking at some problem solving questions to do with sharing. Have a go and see if you can use your brain to share! smiley

For Geography this week, please have a look at some videos which compare life in different parts of the world.  After you have watched them, you can think how their lives are the same and how they are different.

Have a wonderful day today.

Mrs Wilson

Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good morning Year 1.


I hope you are still practising your spellings! If you keep watching your phonics videos, this will help. wink

After phonics and your daily exercise (Cosmic yoga/Joe Wicks?), please have a look at the English for today. It's based on a book you all know well - 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'. As we all love this book, I was hoping you would enjoy listening to Michael Rosen read the story to you. He is the author of the book. There is then some sequencing to do and you can try and map out the story - look at the example given.

Then watch the maths video - it is another lesson on quartering, so hopefully it will build on yesterday's lesson. Make sure you have a go at the worksheet afterwards.

For science this week, I thought you could try an experiment - can you build a raft for the three billy goats? What will you make it out of? Can you think of materials you have in your house that will help them float across the river?

Have a great day everyone.

Mrs Wilson


Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good Morning to you all!
I hope you had a good day  yesterday.  I have been busy planning lots of lovely activities for everyone when they come back to school. For those staying at home, I will post the work once a week for you to look at.  I hope it is keeping your brains active. wink

Once you have done your daily exercise today and watched your phonics video, why don't you have a go at remembering those spellings?  It'd be great to get them all right on Friday!

For English today, you will be looking at 2 poems about animals and looking for the rhyming words. After that, you can write some sentences about what you think the animals like to eat.

In Maths, you will have a go at putting groups into quarters. I hope this will all make sense - if it doesn't though, tomorrow's lesson is about quarters again, so it's a chance to go over it again. Try and use lots of objects from around the house to help you with your maths.

As a practical activity today, why don't you try and help Mum/Dad do some washing? Perhaps you could help them sort the washing into different colours and help load the washing machine. How many pairs of socks do you have? How many T-shirts? Pegging the washing out on the line is lots of fun too and is a good way of exercising your fingers. 


Good Luck!

Mrs Wilson

Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning children. I hope you have had a good half term holiday. All the teachers have been at school this week looking at the classrooms for you to come back to school safely. We  are really looking forward to seeing you all again. laugh


However, this week you are still at home, so here is some work for you. 

I have given you your spellings as usual. Please practise these this week for your spelling test on Friday. Then you can have a look at your next phonics video. 

For your English today, please look at this poem and sequence the story. Afterwards, you could think about what happens next in the story. 

For maths this week, please go to White Rose home learning and watch the video lesson for sharing - halving and quartering. Each day there are maths worksheets to follow up the lessons and allow your child to put their learning into practise. 

Today, I would also like you to practise your handwriting. Try these words in your best handwriting.

Have a great day everyone.


Mrs Wilson


Friday 22nd May 2020


Good Morning Everyone!

This will be the last post until after half term, so I hope you enjoy the work I have set today. 


After your physical activity and your phonics/spelling videos, perhaps you could have a go at your spelling test! I have included this week's spellings again.


For English today we are doing our guided reading comprehension. Please watch the You Tube video of me telling the story and then you can have a go at the comprehension questions - Option A or B. Try and challenge yourselves though and make sure you write in full sentences if you chose Option B. You also have a worksheet on Common Exception Words - there are a variety of words and worksheet activities - please choose what suits your child. 

For Maths, I promised you a game of Shape Bingo. I meant to post this yesterday in preparation, but hopefully you will still be able to print it out and play over half term. I have also given you a link for some addition activities -  Are you a Maths Magician?  wink

For music this week, please go to the BBC website again to have some fun and make some noise. Please chose a different song to last week.

Here you will have a choice of songs and you will be able to listen to different parts of the song and even join in. To start with, you can 'listen and layer'. After that, you can play the song and 'feel the beat'. Lastly, you will get a chance to join in with a range of instruments and 'make some noise'. Have a lovely time!


For some of you, I will hopefully be seeing you soon - for the others that are choosing to stay at home, I hope you are managing with the work and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions on

Have an amazing half term everyone!

Mrs Wilson

Thursday 21st May 2020

Good morning!  I hope you are all well. Great to speak to a few more of you today. wink

Start your day off the usual way - some exercise and then some phonics. Watch the 'spellings' video if you think you already know all the sounds.

For English today, I thought you could look at this 'lockdown letter' for your friends. Choose the person you are missing the most and tell them what you are looking forward to doing with them once lock down is over.  heart Write some sentences using capital letters and full stops!

For maths, the lesson focuses on sharing. There is also a maths sheet attached for you to have a go at. I have also attached tomorrow's maths so that you can print out the shapes bingo game, ready for the morning.

For geography, please have a look at the map to see if you can spot some rivers, towns or cities. See how long it would take to travel between each area.


Well done everyone for keeping up with the work. See you soon, I hope.


Mrs Wilson



Wednesday 20th March 2020

Hello all!

I will hopefully have called everyone who has not been at school by the end of today. smiley I look forward to speaking to the rest of you.

Hopefully you will be keeping up with some sort of physical activity first thing - I have been getting up early and walking my lovely dog.  It has been an absolute pleasure over the last few mornings with the beautiful sunshine beaming down. And he has been very happy about it too! 

So - after your physical activity and then your phonics video, perhaps you could have some fun with some science. You will need raisins or sultanas, some still water and some fizzy water (or maybe some lemonade might work too).  See if you can observe what happens to the raisins - can you work out why?

After that, I have given you our guided reading PowerPoint for this week's book. I hope you enjoyed learning about Julia Donaldson last week. This week is a fiction book about football, so I hope you enjoy it. Read the PowerPoint first and then find the book on Oxford Owl e-books. And don't forget to practise your spellings for Friday's test. 

Maths is another lesson about making equal groups. I hope you are all enjoying the videos this week and that it all makes sense.

Have a fantastic day everyone.

Mrs Wilson

Here are some photos of my favourite animals. Can you guess why my horse pulled such a silly face today?

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Hello Year 1

It's been so lovely to speak to a few more of you recently. I'm so pleased to hear you are getting on with some work and that you are still learning during lock down. Well done everyone!

After your physical activity (we did Cosmic Yoga yesterday, which was fab!), why don't you practise your spellings - don't forget to LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK. You will learn them faster if you use this method.  You can watch your usual phonics video - and don't forget to  watch the spelling video afterwards.

For English today, I would like you to think about verbs. Let's remind ourselves what sort of words they are. Watch the PowerPoint and then try and find some verbs on the worksheet. There is also a game you can play afterwards. Here is the link.

In Maths, you need to watch the next lesson and then follow the link for the worksheet. It is about grouping today. Good luck!

Your practical activity this week (as the weather is going to be so lovely!) is to build a 'bug hotel'. I'm sure you will find lots of insects after a few days - there is a sheet to record what you find.

Have a fab day.

Mrs Wilson


Monday 18th May 2020


Hello everyone. Welcome to this week!

I hope you've had a good weekend. Here is the work for today.

Try some exercise first thing - Cosmic yoga or Joe Wicks are a couple of options. If you want to try something new with a bit of dancing, 'Go Noodle' is great. Try this video link - clapping to syllables. Great fun!

After that, don't forget your phonics videos from Read Write Inc. And make sure you do the spelling activity too!

For today, I thought you could have some more creative writing - what about a story about a seagull? Have a look at the picture and see if you can guess what happens next! I have also given you this week's spellings. Please start practising for your test on Friday. wink

For maths this week, we are looking at grouping, doubling and halving. Please follow the video lessons every day and then do the follow up worksheets to put your new learning into practise.

I have then included a practical activity instead of your usual handwriting practise - can you make a fortune teller? Your adult might need to help, but see if you can do all the folding on your own - it's good practise for your fingers. And afterwards, you can play games with it. What challenges or dares can you give your family?

Have a lovely Monday everyone.

Mrs Wilson



Friday 15th May 2020

Morning everyone.

Another Friday. Another weekend. wink

Here is the work for today. 

You will need to do your daily exercise (Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga today?) and then watch your phonics video. Don't forget to follow on with the spellings video for the sound of the day as well.

And then it is spelling test day - I hope you get them all right this week. smiley

It is also time for your guided reading comprehension. Have a look at the attached Word document. It has a link for YouTube where you can see me reading the story of Julia Donaldson. 

For maths, please watch the final money video. Then there is an activity from the video to see how many different ways you can make up the same value. 

For music this week, please go to the BBC website to have some fun and make some noise.

Here you will have a choice of songs and you will be able to listen to different parts of the song and even join in. To start with, you can 'listen and layer'. After that, you can play the song and 'feel the beat'. Lastly, you will get a chance to join in with a range of instruments and 'make some noise'. Have a lovely time!

And then, of course, it's golden time. Hurrah!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Wilson




Thursday 14th May 2020

Good Morning Year 1.

I hope you are having a good week. I have been calling a few of you today and I will try and contact you all at some point. If you have queries in the meantime, don't forget to contact me on and put Year 1 in the subject box.


Today, you can chose which PE activity you would like to do - Joe  Wicks or Cosmic Yoga. Or if you have found something else you really like, then do that! If you like a challenge, you could try this link - how many times can you get around you circle of socks?


After your physical activity, don't forget to watch the phonics videos. I have been doing the spellings videos at school this week with some children and I think they are worth watching, so give it a go. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil - and of course, your brain switched on! For English, I have included 2 choices - A and B. Please choose one story that you would like to read and answer some questions about it.

Maths today is another money video. I have included a Word document with the independent question for you to attempt. Good luck.

I thought today you could do some history -  and as we have been cheering the NHS and nurses over the last few weeks, I thought you could perhaps do some research on a very famous nurse called Florence Nightingale. Can you find out a bit about her? There is a video link to start you off and a little quiz with some interesting facts about her. But can you look on the computer with your carer and see what else you can find out? I have included a few questions to see if you can research this information.

Another busy day ahead!

Mrs Wilson




Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are all having a good morning so far.

Yesterday, I was at school and we did Cosmic Yoga instead of Joe Wicks - why don't you have a go today? There are lots of themes to chose from, so you might enjoy it. We did Pokemon today. Here is the link.

After that, don't forget your phonics video - please do the spelling video as well, as it makes sure you can apply those sounds you are learning!     

For English today, I have given you some guided reading. This book is not a story for a change - it is a biography. It is a book about a real person, so it's a non-fiction book. And it's a person you all know. Have a look at the PowerPoint first and then check out the book using the link I have given you in the PowerPoint. Enjoy!

For maths, I would like you to watch to Lesson 13. There is an activity to do afterwards - make sure you have some real money to help you with buying something!

Science this week is about your bodies. There are some short videos to watch which will tell you about your skeleton, your insides and your senses. I hope you find it interesting.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs Wilson




Tuesday 12th May 2020


Hello again!

It's been so lovely speaking to some of you over the last few days. You all sound like you are having a lovely time at home with your families and I'm so pleased to hear you are working hard on your school work. If I haven't spoken to you yet, I will be trying to phone you in the next week or so, so keep an eye out for my call. smiley 

Don't forget, if you want to contact me with any questions, the email address is

So - work for today. After Joe Wicks, there is phonics - either Set 2 or 3. Here is the link in case some of you have forgotten it. After the phoics lesson, please have a go at the spellling video. 

So how did you get on with your creative writing yesterday? Today, I thought you could use your creative juices at home - try and write another list. This time though, I want you to list things in a sentence using commas. See the attached Word document for more information. For maths, we are thinking about money again. What can you buy with your money? Have a look at the activity from the video - please have a go. Try and use real money to help you.

After that, perhaps you could have your daily exercise by going for a walk - look for things that are the color of the rainbow (be careful what you pick up though!). Can you out them into a picture? Please send me any creations on the homework email address! I'd love to see them.

Hopefully the weather will be better today than yesterday, which was FREEZING! heart Enjoy your day.

Mrs Wilson





Monday 11th May 2020


Good Morning to you all!

I do hope you had a good weekend and that you had fun on VE Day. Lots of people had tea parties at 3pm - did you join in? heart


Here are your activities for today.

For English, I thought we could start by having a look at your spellings for this week.smiley After that, I have a creative writing challenge for you - how could you start this magical story? Have a look at the picture and talk through a few ideas with your adult. When you are writing, don't forget to use your CAPITAL LETTERS AND FULL STOPS! Perhaps you could even put some questions into your story, or use an exclamation mark. And don't forget to watch your phonics video today!


For maths, I would like you to have another look at the NCETM videos. See how you can use your money to make totals - what can you buy from the shop?


For handwriting this week, I thought you could take a look at the video on the Oxford Owl website so you could talk to your children about how they are sitting and holding their pencils. There are some good tips for both right hands and left hands and there is a sheet of paper with the correct handwriting lines. Perhaps you culd practise your spellings on these lines, if you have a printer?


Then there is a PE challenge. This looks like fun!

Follow the link below.

Good luck!


Mrs Wilson


Thursday 7th May 2020

Good morning everyone!

I hope you have had a good week so far. The weather is going to be beautiful this weekend, so I hope you can get some time outside. Tomorrow is a bank holiday because it is 75 years since the second world war ended. It was a very special time because Great Britain had been at war for nearly 6 years and this was the day they were told that they no longer had to fight. 

Perhaps you could celebrate VE Day by making a cake? I made a banana bread cake yesterday - it was yummy! I had to follow a recipe - I hope you have made your shopping list yesterday and that you are ready to write your instructions of how to make the cake. I have given you a template to help you. 

After Joe Wicks and phonics, you could do your spelling test. I hope you have been practising! I have attached your spellings again. 

Then you can have a go at answering the comprehension questions for Kangaroo Sue. To watch me read you the story, please follow this link.

For maths, you have the last of this week's videos to watch about money. I have then attached a worksheet for you to make some totals using what you have learnt about coins. 

Whilst your cake is in the oven, you could look at the Powerpoint, which gives you lots of information about VE Day. If you have a printer, you could make the spitfire model I have attached. If not - just make a paper aeroplane and fly it around your garden. Watch this video to see how - paste this address into your browser.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy celebrating VE Day.

Mrs Wilson

Wednesday 6th May 2020


Morning everyone!

So - to follow our usual routine, please do your daily exercise with Joe Wicks and then check out the phonics video for today. How did you get on with your gymnastics yesterday? Perhaps you could practise that again today? By the time you get back to school, you could really impress Mr Raynor with your new skills! 

After that, I would like you to look at the PowerPoint for your guided reading book this week. It is called Sue Kangaroo  - I hope you enjoy the book.

Of course, we are also still writing lists. As it is VE day on Friday, I was thinking you could bake a cake to celebrate, so I would like you to find a recipe that you like and make a list of the ingredients you will need to buy. On Thursday, I will ask you to write out instructions to make the cake, so make sure you have a yummy recipe! 

For maths, please watch the next NCETM video. I have included a worksheet today to see if you can count all the coins in the jars. Good luck!

Finally, I have included a science experiment for you to do - can you make a rainbow?

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Wilson


Tuesday 5th May 2020


Hello again.

Hopefully you will all be following Joe Wicks and his wife Rosie as they do their half an hour of exercise every day.  After that, you can watch the phonics videos - set 2 or 3. Then try and write some of those words into sentences for me!  yes

For English this week, we are focusing on writing lists. I thought you could have a go at writing a list of things you might need to take if you were going on holiday.  I have given you an example of how to lay out your list - you do NOT need full sentences when you do a list, but make sure you think carefully about the sounds in the words.

For maths today, have a look at the NCETM link about money. Please try and make sure you do the practical activities, including helping out when you go shopping this week.  I know some of you have already written a shopping list - well done! Another  little thing you could do - check out how much money Mum has in her purse today. 

After your maths and English, I thought you might like to have a go at some 'safe' gymnastics! I have  given you a link to follow, which shows you how to warm up, try and forward roll and then have a go at a handstand. Good luck!

Have a great day.  smiley

Mrs Wilson


Monday 4th May 2020

Morning all!

Wow - it's Monday again. And it's also May! A new month and hopefully a new start, perhaps.

As usual, let's start the day with Joe Wicks and then have a look at your phonics videos.

I am setting you maths for the whole week today. We have a short week, as Friday is bank holiday. Please look at the daily videos and play with money! How exciting!

As we are thinking about money and things we can buy, I thought for English we could write lists this week. Let's see today if you can write a list of shopping. What do you want to buy today?

Also included are your next set of spellings. Please start practising them for your test on Thursday.

Then we have some handwriting again. Remember how important it is for  you to be able to write so that other people can read it? Have a go at these common exception words. Make sure you try and form each letter correctly - I know you can do it!

Have a lovely day everyone.

Mrs Wilson




Friday May 1st. Oooops. Didn't attach the right file for the comprehension questions! Apologies but here it is now. Have a great weekend.

Friday 1st May 2020


Hello everyone again. It's Friday again!

I hope you managed to write a thank you letter for Captain Tom Moore - did you post it?

After you have done your Joe Wicks exercise, perhaps you could do your spelling test? Hopefully you have been practising your words! And then, of course, you have your phonics video to watch. See if you can put some words with today's sound into a sentence.

For English today, I would like to answer the questions about the book you have been reading this week - Painting the Loft. Here is the link so that you can see me reading the story.   Enjoy!

For Maths, please make sure you finish watching the video links I sent you earlier in the week. Have you been checking the clock as you go through the day? What time do you eat breakfast? What time does Joe Wicks start? What time do you eat lunch? What time do you go to bed? Did you manage to play the game 'What's the Time Mr Wolf'?

Then I would like you to do a bit of body percussion for music. Here is the link.

After that - I think it's GOLDEN TIME!!

Don't forget if you want to write to me or send me pictures of what you are doing, the email address is Put my name into the subject box and I will check once a day.

Enjoy your weekend and I'll set some more work Monday.

Mrs Wilson



Thursday 30th April

Morning everyone.

Today is Toms Moore's 100th birthday! For English today, we are going to start by reading some information about him and then answering questions about what we have read (2 options - please chose the one you think your child will best be able to do).

I have also given you a card that you can colour in for his birthday. Alternatively, you could write him a thank you letter and post it to him. His address is:

Captain Tom Moore, C/O Post Office Ltd, 67 Bedford Road, Marston Mortaine, Beds, MK43 0LA

Make sure you watch him on TV. I'm sure there will be lots of celebrations! smiley smiley

Captain Tom Moore fought during the second world war, so I thought we could think about a bit of history today. I have included a PowerPoint about the war for you to look at. We have talked about this before - remember the video about the Alan and his grand daughter? Here is the link in case you want to see it again.

For maths, we are still telling the time. You have the videos to look at. Then see if you can also play this game - 'What's the time Mr Wolf?'. It is on Twinkl. You may have to register first to download it. If you can't download it for any reason, why don't you play the game at home in your lounge?

Don't forget your morning activity with Joe Wicks and then the phonics video from Read Write Inc for either Set 2 or 3. as well! 

So much to do today! Have a lovely day.

Mrs Wilson




Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning again. Another chilly and rainy day ahead, I think, so let's find something interesting to do indoors!


As usual, Joe Wicks can start your day. Why don't you contact him for a shout out? Then it's Read Write Inc phonics on the usual page - either Set 2 or 3. 


I hope you have been practising your spellings....test on Friday, don't forget! Today I am sending you another book for guided reading comprehension. There is a PowerPoint to go through first and then a link to the book. It's called Painting the Loft. As usual, there will be some questions  to have a go at on Friday, so make sure you read it a few times before then.


For maths, I have attached a worksheet for telling the time - half past and O'clock. This is your main focus for the week - please check the clock face as you go through your day and refer to the time; check what the hands are pointing to, talk about hours/minutes and count in 5s and 10s. There are the videos to look at from Youtube, so please check those links from yesterday.    


For science this week, have a think about animals and their categories - are they mammals? Fish? Birds? You can also watch this BBC video to help you.


Have a great day.


Mrs Wilson





Tuesday 28th April 2020


Good morning everyone. It's due to be a rainy day today, so if you're going out you'll need a raincoat and maybe some wellies! cool

After Joe Wicks, please have a look at this morning's phonics activities - choose between Set 2 or 3. 

Then I would like you all to have a go at telling the time. I have given you a set of Youtube links to watch over the course of this week so you can learn all the terms like 'O'clock', 'half past', 'quarter past' and 'quarter to'. There is also a link to a game where you can practise setting the clock and telling the time. Don't watch them all today!

In English, I have sent you a link to a few games and activities to help with your writing. Today I'd like you to play the games for 'blending' and 'same sound different spelling'.  Again, there are lots of activities to keep you busy for the rest pf the week, so don't do them all today!

Finally, there is a practical star jump activity to have a go at. Don't wear yourself out. Can you do more star jumps than Mum and Dad?

Enjoy your day.

Mrs Wilson


Monday 27th April 2020


Hello everyone. I hope you had a good weekend in the beautiful sunshine. Hopefully you will have seen the email about writing to me. If you want to show me what you have been doing, I would love to see it. Please send it to our new email address with Year 1 in the subject box. I will be checking daily to see if I have any messages and look forward to hearing from you. heart


For today, please watch Joe Wicks as always to start your day off with some activity.


The go onto the Read Write Inc website for your daily phonics lesson. I have also given you this weeks spellings. How did you get on with last week's test on Friday?


For English today,  go onto the 'Phonics Play' website and have a go at an interactive game which practises different ways of spelling the same sound. Then there is a worksheet for your child to have a go with to practise the long vowel 'a' sound.


Handwriting - please go onto the BBC website for practise with handwriting. There are videos which guide you through writing long ladder, robot arm, zig zag and curly caterpillar letters. 


For maths, the NCETM have another lesson which is about counting in 5s and then there is a worksheet to reinforce the learning. Don't forget, you can practise counting in 5s unsing your fingers and toes, so no extra resources needed! cheeky


Have a great day.


Mrs Wilson


Friday 24th April 2020


Hello everyone. It's Friday!!


After your daily exercise with Joe  Wicks, why not try your spelling test? Good luck! cheeky And don't forget to watch your daily phonics lessons from Read Write Inc. 


I have set another maths lesson, which is counting in 10s, with a worksheet to help support that learning.


Then you can watch the video of me reading you the story of 'The Magic Paintbrush' and answer the comprehension questions.


Finally, there is a PSHE lesson. There are some videos to watch and then a chance to talk about your friendships at school. Who are your friends? Do you argue with them sometimes? How do you make up?


And then it GOLDEN TIME!


Enjoy your weekend everyone.


Mrs Wilson




Thursday 23rd April 2020


Hello again. I hope you are having a good morning. smiley


Please make sure you do the Joe Wicks activity first thing - a great way to start the day.  And don't forget to find those phonics lessons - make sure you practise the spellings by having a go at writing words with the sound of the day. 


For English today, there is a PowerPoint about suffixes. These are the extra letters we add onto 'root words'. For example, kick can become kick-ing and walk can become walk-ed. Have a go at the game I have included and see if you can match the ending (or suffix) with it's root word.


For Maths, the NCETM lessons continue with some counting in 10s. There are some fun activities to support yesterday's lesson where you were counting in 2s.  See if you can make the caterpillar with all the even numbers - can you feed it through the apple?


Finally, we have some geography for you. There is a quiz about the United Kingdom and then a fun pirate game which will test your compass skills! Can you then try and plan a route in your house using the words North, South ,East and West?


Have fun today!


Mrs Wilson



Wednesday 22nd April 2020


Morning everyone!


After your exercise with Joe Wicks, you could have a look at the NCETM maths lessons. We are still counting in 2s today. Then there are some worksheets for you to look at.


The Read Write Inc. phonics videos start at 10am for set 2 and 10.30am for set 3. Here is the link to copy/paste into google.

The videos only show up on the day and last 24 hours, so make sure you view these every day as it will help with your child’s reading and writing. 


For English, I have chosen a book called 'The Magic Paintbrush'. I have written a PowerPoint to go though BEFORE you read the book. This will help with your child's reading and understanding of the book. On Friday, I will set the comprehension questions again. And don't forget Friday is spelling test day!


There is also some science to look at. Please watch the Powerpoint about what plants need to grow and then try the worksheet. If you have been growing plants in the house, you could refer to them, ofcourse, when you discuss this with your child. 


Wishing you a fun day.


Mrs Wilson




Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good morning Year 1.


Hope you are having a good day so far. Don't forget to start with the Joe Wicks exercises. It will set you up for the day.

For English today, I would like you to think of alternative words to 'hot' and 'cold'. When we are writing, it is good to have lots of different words at your fingertips so you aren't always repeating the same words over and over again. It makes it more interesting to read. 

For maths, I would like you to watch a video about counting in 2s. This is the beginning of 5 videos that you will watch about counting in groups of either 2s, 5s or 10s. Then there is a practical activity for you.

Don't forget to watch your Read Write Inc phonics videos. Today there is a video for spelling your words too. Make sure you watch these EVERY DAY! It will help you with your reading and writing. Oh - and don't forget to practise your spellings!


I hope you are all still reading lots of books and playing nicely with your siblings. It's going to be another sunny day, so have lots of fun and enjoy your learning today.  smiley


Mrs Wilson



Monday 20th April 2020


Hello Year 1! 

Life feels very different now as I write to you and it's been far too long since we have seen each other!  sad 

I have been going into school over the holidays and we have seen some children, but it's not the same without everyone at school and we miss you all. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break from home schooling and that you found plenty to occupy yourselves with. 


Here is the work for today. I have given you some spellings to practise - please find the right spellings for your group - pencils, pens or highlighters.

For maths, there are some addition calculations and a chance for you to use the < and > signs - can you remember what they mean? Here is the link to the crocodile video in case you have forgotten!

For your phonics lesson (set 2 or set 3), please follow the link on the Word document attached. As I post this, there is no video showing for Monday, but hopefully you will find it!

Then I would like you to practise your handwriting - there are 2 options - one is a funny poem if you want to have a go at that, but if not, just try the alphabet. Remember to start your letters in the right place.


Have a good day everybody.

Mrs Wilson






Monday 6th April 2020


Good Morning Year 1.

The Easter holidays are here. I won't be setting any work over the Easter period, which I'm sure you'll all be delighted about! smiley 

However, if you would like to have a go at some of the learning pack we sent home with you on 20th March, that'd be great.

Please email the office if you would like to contact me. They will forward anything on. 

Although it is raining as I write this, the promise of better weather is on the way, so I hope you can all have fun with your families in the garden or at a local  park to enjoy some exercise over the holiday.  Enjoy the Easter Bunny - I'm pretty sure he'll still be coming!


Try some cooking! I know I will be trying some new recipes. wink


Take care and stay safe. heart


Mrs Wilson




Friday 3rd April 2020


Good morning Year 1. It's nearly the Easter holidays. Hurrah!! And the weather is getting warmer. Yipeee!


Today, you are going to listen to the story of Tom, Dad and Colin and then have a go at some comprehension questions. See if you can write in full sentences.  yes


I hope you have been practising your spellings! Today is test day - see if you can write your spellings without peaking.  cheeky


And don't forget phonics - Set 2 and Set 3 sessions are included in the link. Go for it!


In maths, we are looking out for shape words in a word search - can you find them?


Finally - over the Easter holidays, why don't you try cooking some pancakes? See what yummy fillings you can put inside.


We hope you have a great holiday. I know it's difficult to go out at the moment, but try and enjoy the sunshine in the garden with your family.


Stay safe.


Mrs Wilson







Thursday 2nd April 2020


Good morning everyone. I hope you are still exercising with Joe Wicks every morning.


Today, we have a PowerPoint presentation to look at for English about sentences. What is a sentence? Then there is some writing to do so you can practise what you have learnt. And don't forget to watch your phonics videos from Read Write Inc - see links for either Set 2 or Set 3. 


In maths, I would like you to think about capacity. Which container is the biggest/smallest? Which one will hold the most/least water?


Then I would like you to listen to a piece of music by Kerry Andrew called 'No Place Like'. There is a video which explores the song and tells us all about the music and the children that sing it. You can be a sound detective and listen out for words you can hear and perhaps tap out the rhythm of the song.


Have a lovely day. smiley



Wednesday 1st April 2020


Morning all! Today is April Fool's Day - you can play a trick on Mum and Dad - as long as it's before Midday! wink


For English today, I have chosen some guided reading. Please read through the PowerPoint presentation, which goes through some potentially tricky parts in the book and familiarises your child with the vocabulary and the characters within the book. Then go to the book using the link and ask your child to read, supporting wherever necessary. On Friday, I will set some comprehension questions for them to answer. 


In Maths today, I have chosen some balance scales. Your child has to choose the missing number on the scales to make sure each side balances. There are three options - please chose the option that you think will suit your child the best, but if it's too easy, please go onto the bigger challenge.


For Geography, you will find a sheet for you to look for local landmarks - eg the supermarket, the church etc. You can find them, on a map and write the address in or perhaps write some directions down. 


Have a great day everyone. smiley



Tuesday 31st March 2020


Hello everyone!  Here is the work for today. laugh


I have set you some new spellings to learn this week.  You can test yourselves on Friday this week, as it is the last day of your home learning for this term. Please practise the spellings for your group (ie pencils, pens or highlighters). You can also have a look at the Read Write Inc phonics videos on YouTube, as usual. I have also sent a link for a fun Alphablocks video to watch too. 


For maths, you can have a go at counting Easter objects and writing the number and the numeral on the sheet provided. And if you are feeling creative, why not make a cake? You can use your knowledge of numbers to weigh out the ingredients. Listen to the fun video to see if you can think of some exciting ideas for your cake.


For science this week, you can use your science skills to find objects around your house made with different materials - glass, metal, plastic, stone, wood or fabric. You could draw a picture in the box of your object or write down the name.


If you want to contact me with any questions, you can write an email into school and they will forward it to me.    Have a great day!






Monday 30th March 2020


Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a nice weekend and enjoyed the bright but fresh and windy weather.


Start today with the Joe Wicks workout!  wink


Today, there is a PowerPoint to look at for maths to practise your number bonds addition. Just work through it, answering the questions as you go. For English today, please practise your spellings (see your books for the different groups) and then do a spelling test at the end of the day. I will supply this week's spellings tomorrow (Tuesday).


For English, why don't you tell us where you would travel to if you could go anywhere in the world?

Write down 3 sentences about the place you would like to go to.


Finally, please look at the Read Write Inc phonics videos on Youtube. Choose Set 2 or Set 3 and then think of some words that contain the sound of the day and write them in your books. 

Friday 27th March 2020

Friday is the end of our first week of home schooling! How are we doing everyone?


Today in English, we have some tongue twisters to have a go at. Why don't you try writing your own? Then there is a word game to play. Good Luck!

In maths, we have a colour by number picture - but you'll have to solve the calculations first. wink


If you get time and you have the right ingredients in your kitchen cupboard, why not make your own playdough? Then you'll have the whole weekend to play with it.


I have sent you the links for today's Read Write Inc phonics video. Why not try and write down some of the green words? I have also included a link for a Numberblocks video too. Enjoy!


On Monday, I'll send you your spellings to practise and on Tuesday you will get your next set to start learning. So make sure you look at your spellings over the weekend so that you can get them all right in your test.


Have a great weekend everyone. The weather is going to get a bit colder, so wrap up when you are in the garden. laugh

Thursday 26th March 2020

Oh my goodness! We are nearly at the end of the first week. surprise


After your exercise with Joe Wicks, take a look at what we have in store for you!


In phonics - new sounds for both Set 2 and 3 from 9.30am. Find the links on the attached document. And don't forget to practise the sounds given to you already in your book bags.


For maths, please have a look at these part/whole calculations.  Can you fill in the missing number? In English, please have a look at the different rhyming sounds. Can you write them down and use the correct spelling?


In Geography, we are practising those skills we learnt with the compass. Can you follow the directions and get to the right place?


Finally - don't forget to read your books. It will help with your reading. 


Have a great day everyone. 


Mrs Wilson


Wednesday 26th March 2020


Hello all! How are we this morning? I hope we are making sure we are exercising and staying healthy. Don't forget to start your day with Joe Wicks - I will be joining you in spirit from my lounge! smiley


Today in Maths, we are recognising and naming 2D shapes and in English, we are making up a story using story cards. For our extra activity today, can you look around the house and find things that float or sink? Have a think about why that happens. 


For phonics today, have a look at the Set 2 and/or Set 3 Read Write Inc videos on Youtube. The link is on the Word document attached. Then you could watch an Alphablocks video. And don't forget to do some reading today!


If you want some maths fun, Carol Vorderman has opened up her website to everyone for free. She will be helping primary school children get interested in maths! You will need to register and I know her website has been very busy, but do try and log onto


Also - for those of you who are interested in wildlife, Steve Backshall will be live on facebook, instagram, twitter etc taking questions about anything to do with wildlife. He is on at 9.30 this morning - straight after Joe Wicks!



Have a great day everyone - the sunshine is set to continue! smiley


Read Write Inc have set up some phonics sessions. Please see the attached Word document with a link for the Set 3 sounds.

24th March 2020


Morning again.  Hope you are enjoying Joe Wicks again this morning.


Today in Maths we have some subtracting to do. Try to remember all the different words we could use to mean subtract - minus, take away, fewer than, less etc. There are two options - A & B. Try to challenge yourself and get Mum or Dad to help if needs be.

In English, you can write about the things you like to do. 

And then you can play a game of hide & seek with your family. Try counting back from 20 and make sure you find a good hiding spot. 



23rd March 2020


Morning Year One. I've just watched the Joe Wicks Workout on Youtube to start my day and I hope you all joined in too! smiley


Try and have a go at this work today. There is a little bit of handwriting (left and right handed options) and some maths shopping to do, along with a bit of  reading and writing. 


Don't forget to enjoy the sunshine if you can this afternoon.  

Phonics using phoneme frames!

Question ideas for when you're reading

Geography - compass work.

Local history study - John Dickinson, Nash Mills School, WWII bunker and Frogmore Paper Mill Visit.

Gymnastics. Balance and making shapes

Christmas 2019 in Year 1


Welcome to Year One!

For the first few weeks of this term, we have been reading Dear Zoo in English. We have told and retold the story with the use of story maps, adding in our own characters and scenarios. We have also looked at the language used in the book, identifying the adjectives, verbs and nouns that appear. We have extended this into our writing, creating a 'WANTED' posted for the yeti, describing her attributes with the appropriate vocabulary.

In maths, we have focused on turns - half, quarter and three quarter turns - trying turns in the playground and using resources like Beebots to reinforce the learning. We have also been learning about measuring and comparison - looking at the sizes/weights of different objects and then comparing groups, moving onto using a 10s frame to help us with addition and subtraction.

In science, we have been learning about the animal kingdom, comparing ourselves with them, labelling different parts of the body, thinking about how we are the same and how we are different. In music, we have learnt about rhythm and have been using our bodies to move with the music and singing along to a song called 'Hey You!'. In geography, we are thinking about the weather and the changing seasons, looking at maps of the UK and watching the BBC weather forecast. In art, we have collected autumn leaves and enjoyed making leaf rubbings for our seasons display, as well as making our Christmas angels for our Christmas cards.

In PE, we have been learning to play rounders. We have practised batting, catching and fielding. We will hold a mini tournament with Year Two next week.

Google Map

Link to Google Maps