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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

Get in touch

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Our INCO (Inclusion Co-ordinator) is Mrs Jessop. She works on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and a Friday. If you have any concerns or wish to discuss the needs and support of your child please contact her at or 01442 252952 to make an appointment.



Please find below information  on how we support our children with SEND as well as links to resources which you may find useful.


If a parent has a concern as to the provision in place for their child, they should initially speak to their class teacher and/or the Inclusion Coordinator.  If a parent is unhappy with the provision following these conversations, they are able to make an appointment to speak with the Headteacher, in line with the school's complaints procedure, which can be found on the policies page.


Hertfordshire's Local Offer


This site has lots of information to help you support your child with SEND as well as the family. It is a comprehensive source of the SEND services which are available in the county and who can access them. There are different sections on short breaks, courses and events, support with education and Hertfordshire's Additional Needs Database (HAND).




SEND Family Support information - see attached for links to support and tips from our SEND family support worker on how to look after you and your child

SEND Support Groups    support for children with ASD and ADHD and their families - support for children with autism - support for pupils with dyslexia - support for pupils with dyspraxia - signs of dyscalculia











Mini consultations for parents with children with ASD

Quality SEND Offer - this applies to all schools in Hertfordshire, for Nash Mills specific details please see SEND Information Report at top of this page

Speech and Language support


If you have some concerns about the speech of your child there are some suggestions below you could try. The Speech and Language therapists have been re assigned to the front line to support COVID patients and therefore no one has had support since March 2020. We hope the service will return this Autumn but it will take time to see all the children who require support.


Please try not to worry about your child. When using these materials make it fun and a game. A little and often will help your child, rather than a longer intensive session.


Mrs Jessop


This link has a video which will help you to support your child with speech sounds:





Google Map

Link to Google Maps