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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

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Free School Meals

Universal Free School Meals

There is central funding, providing free school meals for all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children.  This initiative is to help improve healthy eating and provide children with the energy they need to concentrate in class.  We use a ‘Pupil Choice’ menu where children are able to choose from this menu on the day.  There are hot meal options, which include vegetarian meals.  We strongly encourage all pupils in these year groups to take up the offer of free school meals.


Benefit-Related Free School Meals

Regardless of whether they take them up, if you are eligible for free school meals, it is important that you still apply.  The criteria for this is below.  If your child is eligible, the school receives a range of benefits to help them, including, milk, support with music lessons and extra curriculum funding.


Children whose families receive one of the benefits listed may get free school meals and free milk, but you need to apply for them.

 - Income support

 - Income-based jobseekers allowance

 - Income-related employment and support allowance

 - Support under immigration and asylum law

 - The guarantee part of the state pension credit

 - Child tax credit and you have an annual income of £16,190 before tax or less

 - Working tax credit during the 4 week run on period.


If you think that you may be eligible, please speak to the school office, apply online or call 0300 123 4048. 



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