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Nash Mills Church of England Primary School

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How does the curricu­lum reflect the school’s theologically rooted Chris­tian vision?


We have considered how our curriculum is designed to allow opportunities for pupils to learn about our vision and develop skills in line with The Good Samaritan.  This happens in all subjects and examples include where pupils learn about supporting others through PSHE, how the idea of settlement and community has developed over time through our history curriculum or learning about how to work together in a range of situations through PE.


We have also carried out extensive work to develop pupil understanding of equality and inclusion; working to ensure that each child feels safe and valued whilst being able to be unique and individual.  We work across the school to recognise the different cultures, faiths and backgrounds that make up our school and wider community.  Again this is woven through the curriculum.  Examples include the English curriculum, which includes texts that have been specifically chosen to ensure a diverse level of representation and history where specific events and individuals have been chosen to ensure that they are represented within the curriculum.  Across the curriculum we have worked to ensure that pictures shown of people or communities are diverse and those individuals studied allow our pupils to see themselves represented.  All of these things help pupils to see themselves as unique individuals. 


Our Forest School provision allows for pupils across the school to spend time outside.  As part of sessions, pupils will spend time being quiet and learning how to use the different elements of the environment.  They will work together in teams to complete tasks and will learn to disagree well on different situations.


Our wider offer, including after school clubs, is also designed to offer our pupils a range of different experiences and foci.  Each term, clubs are planned to ensure that there are a mix which support our pupils' mind (such a science or maths clubs), body (such as our sports clubs) and soul (such as yoga or Forest School clubs).  Many of our clubs are offered free of charge to ensure that no child is left out due to financial barrier.  

What is the impact of this work?

The school's quality of education was judged 'good' by OFSTED in November 2022.  The inspectors noted that "Leaders have been meticulous in identifying the knowledge they want pupils to learn across the curriculum. As a result, pupils, including those in early years, develop their skills and understanding in each subject area".  Through our curriculum, our children receive a broad and balanced education that exposes them to the best that there is to see and hear from the world around us.

The outcomes of pupils are also positive, the progress made by pupils in Year 6 in 2023 was significantly higher than many other schools and in the top 10% nationally for reading and maths.  In 2023, 95% of pupils in Year 1 passed the Phonics screening check, significantly higher than the national average. 

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